What's up everyone. I have been posting, etc. on Facebook. So, if you are looking for the latest. Find me there. Thanks.
Friday, January 15, 2010
What's up?
What's up everyone. I have been posting, etc. on Facebook. So, if you are looking for the latest. Find me there. Thanks.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Our Times
Economic rebound not as energetic as hoped for - Exxon Mobil 2Q profit sets US record
Friday, May 30, 2008
My Heros
"Hi everyone,
Here's the latest on what's going on up on the pass. The snow is still
quite solid above Lower Lost Man trailhead and the pass won't open to
traffic until at least June 7th.
Here's a link to a story about the trip Natalie and I took around the
Lost Man on Memorial Day.
http://www.fastersk ier.com/news5407 .html
Thought that was cool, and don't have much to say myself. Heading out to the East Coast today. Always traumatic. I remember something about bicycles. Not sure what . . .
Friday, May 9, 2008
Miwok 100K
Jean ran her first big race of the season last weekend, and I have a couple of shots to prove it! The race was the Miwok 100K, in Mill Valley/Marin County California. The run started at dawn at Rodeo Beach and then up to Muir Beach, Pan Toll, past Stinson Beach to Randall and back. 100K = 62.47 miles. Here are a few shots:
Rodeo Beach pre-dawn: the usual anxious milling around:
The ladies getting ready to run. It was pretty chilly on the beach.
The racers then all walked out to the beach for the start. The walk was sort of the equivalent of the neutral start in cycling. People were talking, joking around, running into their friends, wishing each other well, etc.
Ready to start: (in the lower right hand corner of the shot below is Dave Mackey (white shirt, white visor) of Boulder, CO. This day, he would run the race in 7 hours 53 minutes and shatter the course record. If you do the math, that is an average of 7.5 minute miles for 62+ miles. Astounding.)
Then up the beach and up the trail:
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy May Day!
Snow Removal Workers of the World Unite! A little dusting wouldn't be bad, but check the wind. Ugh. Rode to work anyway. Ha!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Crustski the Clown
Trecker cruising on the crust at the creek's edge:
Once we got up a little higher, we skied out into the meadows on either side of the road. You don't have to follow a trail of anything. You just pick where you want to go and head over there. Nat with Pyramid Peak in the background: Mike cruising the meadows, with quintesential Colorado in the background:
Yours truly with Pyramid:
Up past the end of the road we skied across the lake and had a snack. The view back down the valley. You can see our skate tracks leading up at the bottom of this one:
The view up:
There was a long discussion as to what we were actually looking at from our picnic spot. We later determined that we were looking at the lower reaches of Pyramid.
The key to skiing the crust is to get out of there before it softens up in the spring sun. So, we headed down, but not before the Treckers skied around the lake, and I took a few shots of them on the far shore:
Great day. Super fun. Thanks again to Treckers. Until next time: Be safe out there kids.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
April the 16th
He is apparently 46 this fine day. Older and still more core than me. Gives me hope. Thanks for everything.
Great fixie for thrill seekers on Craig's List: