Hey there again. Still stranded in the lodge here, so here are some more pics from Tokyo. MJ picked up a cool book called "Little Adventures in Tokyo" that was really helpful. One cool adventure was a walking tour of what it called "Old Tokyo", but I think is the Ya-Na-Sen. Either way, it was a really stark contrast to what we had seen so far. The streets were narrow and filled with little shops.

The side streets were crammed with little houses and there were tiny pocket parks and temples around every corner. Here is a really cool example of a park with a shrine.

These were delicious . . .
; )

The area is home to not only temples, but one of the major old cemeteries in Tokyo.

I wish you could smell the smoke. They were probably just burning brush, but it added to how cool this scene was.

No, the irony was not lost on us . . .

Cool garden in the interior of the home of one of Tokyo's most famous architects. The home is now a museum.
Beautiful wood working everywhere.

and stone work.

Let's see what's down the next street . . . . . .
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