So, kids, I have to get some sleep if I am ever going to get my clock right, so here are a few pictures from the travel day. Because the lifts were closed the day before, we decided to catch half a day at a smaller local hill called
Moiwa.After an unusually large storm, this was the lift line at opening:

The lodge:

Ever seen Breck on a powder day? Nuf said on that. The skies cleared off and we started to get some views of valley:

Across the valley lies a huge dormant volcano. I'll look the name up and post it in the rewrite of this for you. I hope you are clicking all these pics and those below. They are much larger than on the main page.

Cool cloud below. Big enough to make its own weather. There are apparently a ton of skiable lines on it, but everyone waits for the snow to set up in spring.

The wind the night before was strong enough to tear out the door on one of the lift sheds. This is one of those steel "riot gate" overhead doors. Just torn from its tracks. Check out the sign too. Careful.

Riding the lift. I am pretty sure you're not supposed to do what that signs says. Ross on the chair with Yamurasan:

Yamurasan in the trees. The beauty of Moiwa is not the in bounds territory but the marginally in bounds tree skiing it services. The gentleman below is Yamurasan. I am pretty sure you could write a book about the guy, and I hope someone does. He is the local telemark guru and one of the founders of the
Telemark Ski Association of Japan or
TAJ. He has been living it since the beginning in Japan, and has traveled the world skiing. At 70 he is still making drop knee turns. The most gracious and welcoming host, he showed us around Moiwa. Many thanks to him, and I can only hope to grow up to be like him someday.

The wind had pushed the snow around quite a bit, but there was still some to be had. Scotty "The Easter Bunny" getting some:

Yours truly in action:

And getting some more.

These were taken with my little snapshot camera. Pando and MJ have some much better shots from here and the later days especially that will blow your mind. I have a few I need to edit too.

Pando and Yamurasan in the lift line. A great day thanks to both! Next stop,
RyounkakuGood night for now.
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